Top 5: Computer Games Graphics

Kirsty here!
I decided to make this blog based on the most ahead-of-their-time, in-game graphics ever(in my opinion). Gaming and Character design specifically has always been a deep interest of mine, several games have really made me fall in love with the Computer Games Design Industry and they have inspired millions of people. I shall count down my Top 5 in order of how inspiring and innovative they were in their time..

  • No. 5:- Tetris
You all have the theme tune stuck in your head now.
Tetris has been around since 1984 and is one of the most well-known and recognized games in history. The simple, linear design made it easily available on any video game console and computer operating system, as well as Mobile Phones, iPod's, and even calculators. 
  • No. 4:- Duke Nukem 3D
It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.
 From 1996, this FPS was embedded in the hearts of most modern-day gamers. Levels were designed in a fairly non-linear manner such that players use air ducts, back doors and sewers to avoid enemies or find hidden secrets, as well as the environment being highly destructible for our amusement. 
  • No. 3:- GTA 3
Yep, I've been drinkin' again.
 Published by Rockstar Games, GTA 3 was one of the first 'Free Roam' games at the time. This had a huge effect on games of the future and the detail in the scenery is something to admire to this day. 
  • No. 2:- Final Fantasy 13

It would have been hard to out-do any of the graphics of the previous Final Fantasy games, so my hopes weren't that high when news of FF13 being released came about. As soon as I saw the game artwork I was stunned; It turned out to be such a beautiful game it was almost worth watching all 6,000,000,000 cut scenes for.

  • No. 1:- Crysis 
I'm a Marine, son. I'll walk on water if I have to.
 Ridiculously popular for it's in-game graphics, Crysis topped my pole for most extraordinary Game Graphics. Years on and it's still awe-worthy, with remarkably life-like scenery. You'd be forgiven for thinking this was an actual photo. 

Agree? Disagree? Let us know! 


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