Adobe Photoshop

Hey Guys.
Kirsty here, creating a blog on what is my program of choice, Adobe Photoshop! It has been my primary medium to create a lot of my images and illustrations, you can never stop learning and discovering different sequences of effects that you can use to create artistic masterpieces.

Most people have a basic knowledge of the main function of photoshop and what you can create on it. So I will be giving you my personal opinions on what makes it so great, and maybe some things you wern't so aware of..

How I design.

Hello viewers,

This is my first designed-based official post and I am going to begin my time on this blog by going into How I design. This is going to cover the basics for any beginner out there. It goes into what program I use to design and what you can make in it.

First of all let me explain the program, since I found out about design I practised using Fireworks, this was mainly in college because I didn't have it at home, so this is where my design evolved. Unfortunately the courses I was doing at the time had hardly any relevance to design so I was basically on my own (It's not a problem though, Fireworks is so simple to get round!). I learnt everything I know about Fireworks on my own during the college courses, which was kind of fun.


Kirsty here, to introduce those who will be blogging to you at ReflectionArts. We all have different interests and influences in the World of Design which will make for varied and interesting posts! We will also have guest bloggers - those who may have knowledge of subjects different to our own. This means that you get as much of a wide range of topics and discussions as we can provide.

Meet the Team
Matt is business minded and his influences are fueled by the successes of Richard Branson and Alan Sugar. His interests in the Design world are rooted in Logo Design, and has successfully created logos for new businesses as well as setting up and making web layouts with his experienced knowledge of Web Design.

Interested in the creative aspects of Illustration, Kirsty finds inspiration in many artists. Currently desiring the works of Rob Ryan and his paper-cut style her work often reflects the simple concepts and delicate designs. Many of her works have been commissioned and sold, she hopes to carry on this success into the competitive world of Advertising Design in the future.

More designers will be added as we add more to our team. Short bio's of guest bloggers will feature in further posts.



This blog is going to be a newshub for design news/updates and discussions.

Let me explain a bit about what is happening -  Kirsty (@gencdo) came up with the idea to have a blog about the latest happenings in the design world, to make an area of free discussion about the latest news and improve on the current communities of freelancers, designers and people who want to get into the design industry.

At the moment we're going to be just a blog about the latest designs where you, the users can comment and give your opinions about the latest news. In a few months time I plan on moving this onto a new hosting account where we can improve the features for you, the community.

Features we are planning -

Bigger & better blog
Discussion boards

But for now, help us to help you provide the best possible news, updates and community we can.
